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Tigh Loughhead

aka "tigho"

I am an amateur photographer and a Ducati enthusiast.  Feeling claustrophobic a few years back, in the urban chaos of living in New York City for the better part of a decade, I decided to bring my Monster to the Lower East Side.  

I wanted to not only get around the city, but more importantly, to get in and out of NYC without relying on public transit.  I love to wander, but reliance on buses and trains really takes the agency out of travel.  Riding a motorcycle, on the other hand, is one of the closest experiences to unadulterated freedom that I have ever felt.  To date, riding my Ducatis in New York City is one of the best things in life I've ever done.

I work in NYC, real estate, tech and advertising, and I built this simple website to share some of the fun and beauty of being a Ducatisti.
  I started the photo-blog NYDucati to showcase some of the incredible scenery and beautiful bikes I see with every ride.  I was born and raised on a farm in rural Pennslyvania, currently reside in the Lower East Side of  Manhattan where I keep either my Streetfighter V4S, my StreetfighterR, my Monster, my ST3 or my 996, and each has a deserving aesthetic completely unto its own.

I've been lucky enough to ride to antique European bike shows in the middle of nowhere, over mountains and rivers on my own, to rolling down Central Park West with a fleet of Ducati Superbikes.  I hope you enjoy my photography of the city, the country, and everything else i see over the course of my two-wheeled adventures.


More about me:
Tigho Bio


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