Check out Gotham Ducati, NYC's first and only official Desmo Owners Club

TwoWheelTuesday at Spiegel

You know it's springtime when the motorcycles come back out on Tuesday nights to a little cafe in the East Village on 1st Avenue and 2nd Street called Spiegel for what's now becoming the city's pre-eminent bike night.
TwoWheelTuesday Bike Night in Manhattan at Spiegel
We had a whole bunch of Ducs out, and then I had a special opportunity to submit a question to Ducati's Andrea Dovisioso that he might read out on social media, which my friend Paul had come up with.
"Hey Dovi, Pizza bianchi o pizza rosso?" with Henry, Jerry and Mufa.

© 2019 Tigh Loughhead


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